BGE Gasket Replacement
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Replacing the dome gasket on a Big Green Egg

After Eggfest2001 - I decided to finally replace my 3 yr old gasket. I didn't need to - just sort of wanted to since I knew it was quite thin. It was a dirty but easy job.

Here is Large Humpty before the operation.


A putty knife and a utility knife was all I used. Then I used a wire brush on the top and removed the old felt.


Here is my Egg with all the felt off.


Here is the Egg after the brushing - ready for the new gasket. No fluids at all were used, just putty knife, utility knife and wire brush.



Cut the roll of new gasket in half - top and bottom. Pull off the backing as you apply - don't stretch it - and slowly place it down. The self adhesive holds it if the surface was cleaned well enough.

This took me about 20-25 min total time.